Schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) is a severe and little known form of presentation of schistosomiasis mansoni and hematobic schistosomiasis. The literature concerning the entity is scarce, and most publications are limited to isolated case reports. Thus, to consolidate and analyze the knowledge currently available about the disease, I reviewed 231 cases, with emphasis on clinical aspects. Although variations occur, in most cases the clinical picture of SMR is highly suggestive in individuals with epidemiologic antecedents of the infection. Thus, a patient with SMR is usually a young male with no other manifestations of schistosomal infection who presents with lumbar pain, often of a radicular nature, soon followed by weakness and sensory loss of rapid progression in the lower limbs associated with autonomic dysfunction, particularly bladder dysfunction. The most suggestive elements of the entity, and therefore of higher diagnostic value, are the low localization of the spinal cord lesion, the acute or subacute onset of the disease, and the association of manifestations due to medullary and radicular involvement. SMR is commonly classified into clinical or anatomoclinical forms. However, I observed no consensus in this classification even in terms of the terminology used. The analysis performed in this review permitted the introduction of a new concept not yet reported in the literature regarding the possibility that the disease consists of a continuous spectrum, with asymptomatic egg laying in the spinal cord at 1 end of the spectrum and devastating forms at the other end, with most cases occupying an intermediate position and with the various types of damage overlapping and associated to different degrees. This concept applies not only to different patients but also to the same patient at different stages of the disease. Chemical and cytomorphologic examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) almost always revealed mildly or moderately increased total protein concentration and predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis. Eosinophils, the least nonspecific finding, were detected in the CSF of less than half (40.8%) the patients. Myelography and computed tomography-myelography were altered in 63.3% of cases, but this proportion may be an overestimate. The most frequent changes were images of a filling defect due to expansion of the spinal cord and were almost always demonstrated by the 2 imaging modalities. Although still few in number, early reports suggest that magnetic resonance imaging is more sensitive; however, the changes are also nonspecific, such as those revealed by myelography and computed tomography-myelography. Parasite eggs were demonstrated frequently in a biologic specimen (88.3%), but difficulty in detection was not uncommon. Peripheral blood eosinophilia was detected in 64.5% of patients and represented a nonspecific finding. The detection of anti-Schistosoma antibodies in the serum or CSF was also frequent (94.9% and 84.8%, respectively). The presence of anti-Schistosoma antibodies in serum is of limited value for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis in general, especially among individuals living in endemic areas; however, their quantification in the CSF has proved to be promising for diagnosis in the few studies conducted for this purpose. The large number of variables concerning treatment (such as drugs used and duration of disease at the beginning of treatment), together with the relative lack of information about the natural history of the disease, limit the analysis of aspects related to treatment and prognosis. Nevertheless, it was possible to conclude that corticosteroids and antischistosomotic drugs have a favorable effect on disease outcome and should be administered as early as possible. In addition to early treatment, factors linked to the disease itself affect prognosis. The new cases of SMR reported here are typical and illustrate the data discussed in this literature survey.

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