The adsorption of a linear flexible macromolecule to a plane interface brings about a change in its conformational topology. Instead of an isotropic random coil (single three‐dimensional random walk) the molecule becomes a cooperative structure of adsorbed segment trains (two‐dimensional random walks; average length PS ) alternating with free standing loops (barrier restricted three‐dimensional random walks; average length PB ). These adsorbed macromolecules generate a surface‐attached phase of a thickness proportional to PB in which the segment concentration φB is considerably different from the concentration φ* in the bulk equilibrium phase and from the concentration θ in the surface proper. An approach is developed for deriving the configurational factor and the configurational energy in the partition function of such a composite system in the Bragg–Williams approximation using a lattice model. The parameters of the adsorbed phase (θ, φB) and the adsorbed macromolecules [PB, PS, p = PS / (PB+ PS)] are determined as functions of the bulk equilibrium phase concentration (φ*) , the molecular weight (P) , the polymer flexibility (adaptibility to the surface) parameter BγS) , and the polymer–solvent (χ) and the polymer–surface energy interaction parameter S) . Two cases are discussed, an athermal polymer solvent mixture (χ = 0) and a θ‐solvent mixture (χ = 0.5) . It is shown that concentration and solvent effects considerably alter the results obtained for the isolated macromolecule. Whereas in the case of the isolated macromolecule, a molecular‐weight dependence of the conformation arose only as a result of end effects at the point of desorption, considerable changes in configuration are introduced due to the concentration, solvent, and molecular‐weight dependence of the segment activity parameter α . The experimentally observed concentration and molecular‐weight dependence of the amount adsorbed (θ / p) and the loop size (PB) are found to be qualitatively and quantitatively predicted by the model. It turns out that the concentration θ in the surface phase in immediate contact with the adsorbent is (for given P and χ ) primarily determined by χS , while the concentration φB and the loop size PB , characterizing the diffuse surface‐attached bulk phase, are primarily a function of φ* . The change in surface tension Δσ in the case of a free‐solvent‐air interface, i.e., the equation of state of the surface layer, is also computed.