The transposable element Tam1 from Antirrhinum majus shows structural homology to the maize transposon En/Spm and has no sequence specificity of insertion

Summary We present the genomic structure of Tam1, a transposable element from Antirrhinum majus. The Taml element is 15.2 kb long and includes two genes that are transcribed to produce a 2.4 kb (tnpl) and a 5 kb mRNA (tnp2). These transcripts partially overlap and the exons are scattered over the whole element. Tnp1 encodes a 53 kDa protein as deduced from the cDNA sequence. The 5 kb transcript of tnp2 contains an open reading frame that shares 45% homology with part of the tnpD gene of En/Spm from maize and 48% homology with an open reading frame of the Tgm element from Glycine max. We discuss the possible functions of these genes by analogy with En/Spm. Additionally, a number of flanking sequences of Taml insertions were analysed to investigate the sequence specificity of insertion. From these studies we conclude that Taml transposes predominantly into AT-rich regions that can be unique as well as repetitive. No specific target sequence of insertion could be found.