Ia-like alloantigens in the chicken: Serologic characterization an ontogeny of cellular expression

Alloantisera raised in highly inbred lines of chickens, 72 and 15I5 , by reciprocal immunization with lymphocytes were shown by immunofluorescence to react with B cells, cells of the monocyte-macrophage series, and an unidentified population of mononuclear cells prevalent in the spleen and bone marrow. Variable immunogenicity of the ‘Ia’2 and ‘Ia’15 alloantigens was observed. The alloantigens detected by these sara could be redistributed on the B-cell surface independently of immunoglobulin determinants or previously recognized antigens encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (B locus), and were more resistant to proteolysis than slgM. Analysis of several inbred lines of chickens revealed an association between expression of these antigens and the B haplotype. Strains of the B 2 haplotype expressed the antigen detected by anti-7 2 and vice versa. These data suggest that the B-cell alloantigens detected are encoded by genes linked to the MHC and may be analogous to la antigens of mice and DR antigens of man. ‘Ia’ alleles were co dominantly expressed on lymphocytes of F1 hybrids. During ontogeny ‘a’+ cells were first detected in the bursa at 10 days of incubation , 3 days before ‘Ia’+. IgM+ cells could be detected. Both ‘Ia’+.IgM+ and ‘Ia’+.IgM populations of bursal cells increased in parallel until day 18, when plateau levels were reached. Development of ‘Ia’+.IgM cells throughout the body was unaffected by bursectomy at hatching. Cell surface expression of ‘Ia’ antigens was apparently increased with B-Iymphocyte maturation and was detectable on most, but not all, mature plasma cells.