Effect ofA-site cation size mismatch on charge ordering and colossal magnetoresistance properties of perovskite manganites

Resistivity and ac-susceptibility measurements demonstrate that the cation size mismatch at the A site in perovskite manganites influences greatly the electrical and magnetic properties which are associated with colossal magnetoresistance. It has been reported that the Pr1xCaxMnO3 system does not exhibit an insulator-metal transition and remains insulating at all temperatures because of charge ordering at high temperatures. We show that the cation size mismatch at the A site, introduced by replacing the Pr3+ ions by larger La3+ and smaller Y3+ ions with constant average A-site ionic radius rA=1.18 Å, suppresses charge ordering and the samples with x=0.25 and 0.3 undergo insulator-metal transitions at 130 and 60 K, respectively, without applying a magnetic field. For 0.30 <~x<~ 0.5, they all show a spin-glass behavior.