Amphotericin B oral suspension for fluconazole-refractory oral candidiasis in persons with HIV infection

To determine the efficacy and safety of amphotericin B oral suspension (ABOS) for the treatment of fluconazole refractory oral candidiasis in persons with HIV infection. A prospective, multicenter, open label trial at 25 study centers within the AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Individuals with diffuse oral candidiasis after 14 days of treatment with 200 mg of fluconazole daily (more than five plaques or a single plaque > 3 cm largest length) were treated with ABOS, 100 mg/ml, 5 ml swish and swallow, four times daily for 14 days. Thereafter incomplete or non-responders received an additional 14 days of therapy and responders received maintenance ABOS twice daily for up to 6 months. Relapses during maintenance ABOS were treated by increasing the dose to four times daily. To demonstrate an ABOS clinical response rate > 33% and a treatment-limiting toxicity rate < 50%. Clinical response was defined as the absence of mouth pain and the presence of less than five oral plaques, the largest being < 3 cm largest dimension. Fifty-eight subjects with a median age of 39 years and a median CD4 count of 10 x 10(6) cells/l were enrolled. Four subjects were excluded from the analysis because of inadequate follow-up after randomization (n = 3) or the presence of active esophageal disease (n = 1). Of the remaining 54 subjects, 23 (42.6%; 95% lower confidence interval, 31.1%) were classified as responders after 28 days. Five subjects (9%) stopped treatment due to toxicity. Relapse occurred in 16 responders (70%). Amphotericin B oral suspension is well tolerated but has limited efficacy for the treatment of fluconazole refractory oral candidiasis.