Googling Self-injury

Most adolescents and emerging adults access the Internet daily.1-4 For many, the Internet is used to obtain health information,1,5-7 and this may be particularly salient for issues that are sensitive or stigmatized.8-10 One such issue, nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), has received growing attention from researchers and health professionals.9-15 Global media attention has focused on NSSI content online, with more than 400 news articles published in 201112,16,17 continuing well into 2012.16 Defined as deliberate destruction of body tissue (eg, cutting, burning) in the absence of conscious suicidal intent,18,19 nonsuicidal self-injury has a consistent lifetime prevalence of 13.9% to 21.4% in youth and young adults,19 though some reported rates are even higher.20 Nonsuicidal self-injury confers risk for physical injuries, scarring, psychiatric difficulties, and elevated suicide risk.18-20