The embryonic axes of Spanish-type peanut seeds that do not exhibit dormancy to any extent were found to produce ethylene during germination. Virginia-type peanut seeds of the extremely dormant variety NC-13 produced low levels of ethylene when imbibed but not germinating. Treatments that released dormancy of NC-13 peanut seeds resulted in increased ethylene production by the embryonic axis. The estimated internal concentration of ethylene in Virginia-type peanut seeds was 0.4 ppm at 24 hr of germination. Fumigation with an external concentration of 3.0 to 3.5 ppm for 6 hr was sufficient to break dormancy of Virginia-type peanut seeds. These results suggest that ethylene is associated with the germination processes of non-dormant seeds and participates in the breaking of seed dormancy of dormant peanut varieties.