Magnetic ordering in the presence of fast spin fluctuations: A neutron scattering study of CeIn3

We report results of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments in the trivalent spin-fluctuation metal CeIn3. Antiferromagnetic order occurs at 10.23 ± 0.01 K. The magnetic reflections can be indexed on a doubled chemical cell of cubic symmetry. The saturated ordered moment 0.65±0.1μB per cerium atom is comparable to the value 0.71μB expected for ordering within the Γ7 doublet, which is the ground level expected for J=52 cerium moments in a cubic crystal field. The critical behavior of the order parameter is of the form Mst2(T)Mst2(0)=A[(TNT)TN]2β where Mst is the staggered magnetization, A=2.2±0.2 and β=0.42±0.02; in addition the critical fluctuations are extremely weak. We discuss this nearly mean-field behavior in the context of recent theories which describe critical behavior in systems where the critical temperature is much smaller than a characteristic spin-fluctuation temperature. The inelastic scattering measurements provide evidence for the existence of such a characteristic energy. At low temperatures the inelastic cross section is dominated by an anomalously broad magnetic scattering peak, centered near 13 meV and with a half-width of about 10 meV. We interpret the large linewidth as arising from fast spin fluctuations, which arise from strong Kondo-type exchange coupling of the 4f spins to the conduction electrons.