HLA antigens in chronic pancreatitis

Since immunological and hereditary factors may be important in chronic pancreatitis, histocompatibility antigens of classes I and II were studied in 50 British Caucasian patients, after exclusion of insulin‐dependent diabetics for whom HLA associations are recognised. Chronic pancreatitis was defined by at least two independent criteria, and only subjects with alcohol‐related and idiopathic disease were included. In 22 patients (21 male), weekly ethanol intake had chronically exceeded 100 g (usually substantially so); the remaining 28 had idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (ICP). Twenty patients (40%) had autoantibodies, in 11 (22%) to gastric parietal cells. Nine of those with ICP (three male) had parietal cell antibody, more than expected for the age/sex distribution. There were overall increased frequencies of HLA Cw5 and B44. In ICP there were increased frequencies of HLA A25 and Cw1, and a decreased frequency of B7. In patients with alcohol‐related disease there were increased frequencies of Cw5 (50.0% vs control 15.9%), B44 (54.5% vs 29.4%), and DR4 (61.1% vs 33.6%). The increased frequency of Cw5 in alcohol‐related disease alone remained significant after correction (p <0.05). A hypothesis that hereditary and possibly immunological factors may contribute to the aetiology of chronic pancreatitis is supported.