The stoichianetry of the Na-Cl ootransport mechanism at the base-lateral membrane of the frog corneal epithelium was studied with the aid of intracellular microelectrodes by analyzing the effects of ouabain on intracellular recordings (PDSC) and transepithelial short-circuit current (ISC). Under short-circuit conditions, the total current across the basolateral membrane was equated to the Cl transport across the apical membrane. Ouabain produces a quick and steep decrease of PDSC (7.1 mV) and ISC (3.0 μA/cm2) that was ascribed to a sudden inhibition of the electrogenic component of the Na-K pump. From these effects, and from results in previous studies, the maximum value for the Na+ flux via the ootransport mechanism (ICNa) was estimated and compared to the apical Cl transport (a minimum estimate of the Cl flux cotransported with Na+). In all experiments, Icl was larger than INa. Considering that Na+ also recirculates across tne basolateral membrane via a passive pathway, the Cl:Na flux ratio of the ootransport system may be as high as 4.

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