Associations among Healthy Habits, Age, Gender, and Education in a Sample of Retirees

In this exploratory and descriptive study, data are drawn from a sample of 1,864 Bank of America retirees collected in 1987 to investigate correlations among healthy habits, age, gender, and education. Findings include: 1) Health habits are strongly and positively associated with each other and negatively associated with unhealthy habits. 2) Age is statistically significant and positively associated with fiber, fat consumption, and lack of exercise, but negative associated with cigarette use. 3) Women are more likely than men to smoke, use seat belts, and eat foods high in fiber. Men are more likely than women to exercise and drink excessively. 4) Education is statistically significant and positively associated only with fiber in the diet and no other habit. 5) Fiber consumption emerges as the healthy habit most consistently associated with all other habits.