Selenium balance in young men during selenium depletion and repletion

Selenium balance was determined in six young men fed for 45 days a formula depletion diet (33 to 36 µg Se/day) then fed for 25 days a repletion diet (depletion diet plus 200 µg Se/day as high-Se wheat or wheat plus tuna fish). After 12 days of adaptation, Se balance during depletion was rather constant at —21 µg/day and Se losses in urine and feces were 54 µg/day. During repletion, Se balance was +64 µg/day for the first 12 days and +25 µg/day thereafter and the subjects regained all the Se lost during depletion. If the gastrointestinal absorption of food Se in North Americans and New Zealanders is similar (80%), young North American men need a dietary Se intake of about 70 µg/day to replace losses and maintain body stores.