Identification of the Antiviral Substances in Nasal Secretions

Summary Antiviral activity of nasal secretions was studied using 8 different viral agents and secretions collected from 10 normal adults and 7 persons with acute respiratory symptoms. Neutralizing activity of nasal secretions correlated well with the presence of serum antibody to each virus tested. Immunoelectrophoretic preparations and im-munoglobulin absorptions revealed γ1A-glo-bulin to be the predominant immunoglobulin found in normal nasal secretions although trace amounts of γ 2-globulin were occasionally found. Tn secretions from normals, antiviral activity was primarily associated with the γ1A-globulins. During acute respiratory infections a larger number of serum proteins were detected in nasal secretions and antiviral activity was predominantly of the γ2-globulin variety. The authors are indebted to Wilbur Burnette, J ohn Cope and Mrs. Sarah Brown for technical assistance. We wish to thank Drs. John L. Fahey and Elmer L. Becker who provided some of the antisera used.