A Trust Based Framework for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

In unattended and hostile environments, node compromise can become a disastrous threat to wireless sensor networks and introduce uncertainty in the aggregation results. A compromised node often tends to completely reveal its secrets to the adversary which in turn renders purely cryptography-based approaches vulnerable. How to secure the information aggregation process against compromised-node attacks and quantify the uncertainty existing in the aggregation results has become an important research issue. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a trust based framework, which is rooted in sound statistics and some other distinct and yet closely coupled techniques. The trustworthiness (reputation) of each individual sensor node is evaluated by using an information theoretic concept, Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance, to identify the compromised nodes through an unsupervised learning algorithm. Upon aggregating, an opinion, a metric of the degree of belief, is generated to represent the uncertainty in the aggregation result. As the result is being disseminated and assembled through the routes to the sink, this opinion will be propagated and regulated by Josang's belief model. Following this model, the uncertainty within the data and aggregation results can be effectively quantified throughout the network. Simulation results demonstrate that our trust based framework provides a powerful mechanism for detecting compromised nodes and reasoning about the uncertainty in the network. It further can purge false data to accomplish robust aggregation in the presence of multiple compromised nodes

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