Due to growing traffic density on road systems new methods have to be developed to generate up-to-date traffic and safety information. The floating car data (FCD) concept is a promising approach to generate and collect traffic related data. Data collection has a somewhat negative connotation, therefore, mechanisms to make data anonymous have to be used. In this paper, a new approach to depersonalize FCD information using a ticket-based identification solution is presented. The whole system is relying on a telematics platform defined in the EU-project Global System for Telematics (GST). Hence, the approach is likely to be compatible to future telematics system realizations. The ticket-based identification solution enables the identification of viable data and the mapping of data to a certain account while still preserving the anonymity of the user. This new approach has primarily been designed for FCD systems, however, it can also be used in other contexts using a similar underlying system setup

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