Sleeve Gastrectomy in a 10-year-old Child

Adolescents bariatric surgery (ABS) in morbid obesity (MO), with or without comorbid conditions, is and will be more and more indicated. Restrictive operations have the advantage of no influence on absorption. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) can be an excellent alternative. A LSG was done in a 10-year-old boy, body mass index (BMI) 42, who has Blount’s disease (tibia vara) with severe pain at the knee joints that made him a wheelchair-bound person. He had a LSG and gallbladder removal without incidents. Eight months later, he has a BMI 28 and almost all his knees pain is gone. No side effects have been detected. A LSG may be the ideal bariatric operation for ABS with MO.