Coherent control of nonreciprocal reflections with spatial modulation coupling in parity-time symmetric atomic lattice

A collection of cold rubidium atoms in three-level configuration trapped in one dimensional (1D) optical lattice is revisited. The trapped atoms are considered in the Gaussian density distribution and study the realization of PT-, non- PT- and PT anti-symmetry in optical susceptibility in 1D atomic lattices in a periodic structure. Such a fascinating modulation is achieved by spatially modulating the intensity of the driving field. Interestingly, a nonreciprocal optical propagation phenomenon is investigated. In this system, we have introduced a microwave that couples to the two ground states, spatial modulation of the coupling field, and the atomic density with Gaussian distribution in practice. With a proper detuning and coupling field Rabi frequencies, we can find the condition of PT-symmetry along with field propagation direction, and the novel properties of transmission and reflections have been discussed. The large difference of field reflections from the two ends of the atomic lattice medium shows strong evidence that the nonreciprocal behavior can be greatly enhanced by increasing the spatial modulation amplitude. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement