Observation of Parity-Time Symmetry in Optically Induced Atomic Lattices

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We experimentally demonstrate PT-symmetric optical lattices with periodical gain and loss profiles in a coherently prepared four-level N-type atomic system. By appropriately tuning the pertinent atomic parameters, the onset of PT-symmetry breaking is observed through measuring an abrupt phase-shift jump between adjacent gain and loss waveguides. The experimental realization of such a readily reconfigurable and effectively controllable PT-symmetric waveguide array structure sets a new stage for further exploiting and better understanding the peculiar physical properties of these non-Hermitian systems in atomic settings.
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Funding Information
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (61435007, 11321063, 11474228, 61308015, 61605154)
  • National Science Foundation (ECCS-1128520)
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-14-1-0037)
  • NBRPC (2012CB921804)
  • KSTIT (2014KCT-10)