Fiber Raman laser development for multiconjugate adaptive optics with sodium laser guide stars

The use of multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) for large telescopes will be most efficient with multiple laser guide stars. To implement a single laser guide star (LGS) at 589 nm requires the use of bulk and complex dye lasers at the moment. Solid-state lasers will be necessary to reduce to decent levels the infrastructure impact and operational complexity of multiple guide star adaptive optics systems. Development programs for discrete solid-state lasers are in place at GEMINI, the USAF Starfire Optical Range and University of Chicago. ESO has chosen the path of the development of fiber lasers, which is complementary to the other programs. The advantages of fiber lasers are manifold: they are very compact, inherently rugged, most reliable and have a potential for low cost. In this paper we present the research and development activity started at ESO on fiber lasers for MCAO. The aim is to produce > 10-W continuous-wave (CW) output power at 589 nm with a linewidth < 3 GHz. We report here on our fiber Raman laser conceptual design.