The nuclear polarization effect in muonic atoms is calculated for Pb208 and Ca40. The nuclear intermediate states of Pb208 are collective particle-hole states calculated from realistic nucleon-nucleon forces. The total effect is an increase of binding of 6.0±0.6 keV for the 1s level, 1.9±0.2 keV for the 2p level, and 1.2±0.2 keV for the 2s level. We are able to set the uncertainties of the calculation at the relatively small values given above for the following reasons: The muonic intermediate states are treated exactly with the reference-spectrum method; the energies of nuclear intermediate states of l>2 turn out to be small compared with muonic intermediate state energies; the nuclear dipole states have been well studied experimentally and theoretically; and the nuclear monopole polarization calculated from the particle-hole states has been checked with a Thomas-Fermi theory which gives the observed surface thickness and the surface energy. Similar calculations for Ca40 give the correction to the 1s level as 0.2 keV. Henley and Cooper's closure approximation, which leads to a large correction of 58 keV to the Pb208 1s level, is repeated with two of the following improvements: The intermediate muonic states in the continuum are treated properly, and the two-nucleon cross terms in the ground-state nucleus are included. The correction then comes down to 6 keV.