Velopharyngeal sonorous snoring is best treated with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). To reduce surgical risks and minimize the morbidity, a simplified carbon dioxide laser uvulopalatoplasty (LUPP) was performed under local anesthesia. Among a total of 146 patients who had a LUPP performed, there was no significant bleeding or postoperative episodes of asphyxia. The procedure was well tolerated even by those patients with strong vomiting reflexes. The operation time was halved, as was the convalescence. Two patients (1.4%) developed scarring with nasal obstruction, but the impact of factors other than the laser approach itself seemed to be the cause. By scored questionnaires the effect on snoring, family complaints, and daytime somnolence was evaluated in two comparable random groups of patients. Sixty-three patients had LUPP procedures, and 37 had UPPP. The short-term results showed that about 90% of the patients considered themselves essentially improved as regarded snoring and that most patients felt more alert, irrespective of the surgical method used.