Stroke In China, 1986 Through 1990

Background and Purpose Incidence of stroke varies markedly in different world populations. In seven Chinese cities, the effect of a program of risk factor modification on the incidence and mortality of stroke was studied and compared with a control population. This article describes the incidence of stroke in the control populations for the years 1986 through 1990. Methods Incidence (first-ever strokes only) for 1986 was obtained by door-to-door interview with heads of households with subsequent verification on examination by a neurologist and review of medical and/or hospital records. In subsequent years, cases were ascertained with a three-tier monitoring system: by community health workers, local medical centers, and the Beijing Neurosurgical Institute. Results Average annual age-adjusted incidence per 100 000 was 215.6 (261.5 for males, 174.5 for females; P <.001). There was a significant drop in the total number of cases from 137 in 1986 to 106 in 1990, but the age-adjusted rate showed a significant drop for males only (322.3 to 182.5, P <.001). Marked differences in average annual age-adjusted rates existed among the seven cities, from 486.4 for Harbin to 80.9 for Shanghai. This difference in rate among cities was found for both sexes but was more pronounced in males. Conclusions The stroke incidence rates in China, like those in Japan, are among the higher ones in the world. In recent years, there has been an apparent decline in stroke incidence. Marked differences in rates were found between males and females with decline in incidence occurring almost exclusively in males. There were also marked differences in stroke incidence among the cities studied. These differences may result in part from differences in diet, alcohol and cigarette consumption, or prevalence of hypertension.