The initial ionization of hydrogen in a strong shock wave

A theoretical and experimental investigation has been made of the initial ionization processes in a strong shock wave in hydrogen. The relaxation length for ionization, which is principally determined by the rate of excitation, was measured and from a comparison with the theory an estimate was obtained for the cross-section for atom-atom excitation collisions.Detailed theoretical calculations showed that the electron temperature approaches to within 1 % of the atomic temperature in a distance that is small compared with the total relaxation length for ionization. This enabled considerable simplification, for it indicated that a single-temperature model could be used in calculating the theoretical relaxation profile over the experimental range of operating conditions. An electromagnetic shock tube, with a Philippov pinch to create the driver plasma, was employed to produce shock waves of the required velocity. The ionization behind the shock front was studied by means of a double-frequency Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with a ruby laser and a K.D.P. crystal as the light source. A close agreement between the theoretical and experimental electron density profiles, behind the shock front, was obtained for small relaxation lengths, when the cross-section for the atom-atom excitation collisions was assumed to be about 7 × 10−2 times that of the corresponding cross-section for electron-atom excitation collisions.