Studies on chloride permeability of the skin ofLeptodactylus ocellatus: I. Na+ and Cl− effect on passive movements of Cl−

The outflux of chloride through the isolated skin (J 31 Cl ) of the South American frogLeptodactylus ocellatus (L.) is carried by a mechanism that saturates at high concentration of chloride on the inside, and is stimulated by the presence of Cl in the outer solution (trans side). The presence of Na+ on the outside, by itself, does not increaseJ 31 Cl . However, whenJ 31 Cl is already increased by chloride on thetrans side, the addition of Na+ produces a significant further increase. At low concentration of Cl on the outsideJ 31 Cl proceeds through a route which involves changes in electrical parameters. The results suggest that both mechanisms are located on the cell membranes and, therefore, that the fluxes would cross through the cytoplasm of the cells. Na+ stimulates the second mechanism only.