Detection in bovine adrenal cortex of a lipoidal substance that yields pregnenolone upon treatment with alkali.

Bovine adrenal cortical tissue contains a lipoidal derivative of pregnenolone (3.beta.-hydroxy-pregn-5-en-20-one) from which the free steroid can be liberated by treatment with alkali. Evidence for the presence of such an entity comes from examination of a nonpolar extract of tissue from which pregnenolone and its sulfate had been removed by chromatography. Treatment of the nonpolar fraction with alkali followed by exhaustive chromatographic analysis led to the detection of pregnenolone. The steroid was identified by both gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and double isotope procedures. Quantitative analysis indicated that the 3 forms of pregnenolone are present in bovine adrenal cortical tissue in the following amounts (.mu.g/kg): lipoidal derivative, 290; free steroid, 435; and sulfate, 65. Because the only known metabolic function of pregnenolone is to serve as a precursor of the steroid hormones, these findings have far-reaching implications for steroid hormone biochemistry.