Experiments on cyclotron resonance of the Azbel'-Kaner type were performed on pure Bi at 34.5 kMc/sec. Angular variation of the cyclotron masses for both the electrons and the holes with the magnetic field in the binary, bisectrix, and trigonal planes were studied. For the electrons in Bi, the tilt angle of the Fermi surface in the crystallographic coordinate system was directly measured. The mass parameters in Cohen's nonellipsoidal-nonparabolic model were determined for the first time. The inverse effective mass tensor components in Shoenberg's ellipsoidal-parabolic model were completely determined by using the tilt angle. The results indicate that the ellipsoidal-parabolic model is unable to explain quantitatively all the angular variation in the electron cyclotron masses. One particular case of Cohen's model corresponding to electron Fermi surfaces at centers of the six pseudohexagonal faces of the Brillouin zone was shown to be in better agreement with the experimental results. Angular variation of the light-hole cyclotron masses with field in the three crystallographic planes were fitted quite satisfactorily by the one-spheroid model. No resonance of a heavy hole was observed in this experiment.

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