Paramagnetic resonance was established between m-sublevels (Δm=±1, ΔF=0) of the P13 state of radioactive Hg197 at 3000 Mc/sec. From these data the nuclear interaction constant A was found to be (513.5±1)×103 cm1, and barring hfs anomalies it lead to a ratio of moments μ197μ199=A197A199=1.045; further, the nuclear spin of Hg197 was ascertained to be ½. The double resonance was combined with magnetooptic scanning to give the isotope shift of Hg197, which was found to be in the 2537 A line + (91±5)×103 cm1 from Hg198. The radioactive mercury was produced by the Au197(d, 2n)Hg197 reaction and used in vapor form. Satisfactory signals were obtained with as few as 3×1012 atoms.