Dynamics of the Two-State System with Ohmic Dissipation

The authors study a symmetric two-state system with "bare" tunneling frequency Δ0, dimensionless Ohmic dissipation coefficient α, and heat-bath cutoff ωc. Defining ΔrΔ0(Δ0ωc)α(1α) for α<1 and Δr0 for α>1, they find to lowest order in Δrωc, kTωc (a) for all αkTΔr, incoherent relaxation at a rate (Δ02ωc)(π2)[Γ(α)Γ(α+12)]×(πkTωc)2α1; (b) for T=0, 12<α<1, incoherent relaxation at a rate Δr; and (c) for T=0, 0<α<12, damped oscillations with frequency  Δr and Q factor 12cot[(π2)α(1α)] plus a power-law background.