Nonleptonic decays in a renormalizable gauge model of chiral symmetry

We present a model based on chiral SU(3) × SU(3) for the nonleptonic decays of mesons and baryons. The model is fully gauge-invariant and renormalizable. The basic fields in the model are the spin-1 and spin-0 mesons. All symmetry-breaking effects, including the nonleptonic weak mixings, are achieved through the spontaneous-symmetry-breaking mechanism. Our choice of the Higgs-Kibble scalars automatically ensures octet dominance for the nonleptonic weak vertex. Since we find it hard to include baryons in the model, a phenomenological treatment of the baryon decays, assuming SU(3) invariance of the baryonic couplings, is presented. In the model we calculate the two-pion and three-pion decays of the kaon, the s-wave amplitudes for the hyperon decays, and the KLKS mass difference. The results for K2π and K3π decay widths are in excellent agreement with experiment. The slope parameter for the K3π decay, however, comes out with the wrong sign. The s-wave amplitudes for the hyperon decays agree reasonably well with experiment. The estimate for the KLKS mass difference is of the correct order of magnitude. K+π+π0 decay is calculated by using the known current-algebra estimate of ηπ0 mixing. The decay width obtained by us is rather low. Our conclusion is that ηπ0 mixing alone is not sufficient to explain the K+ decay. On extending the model to chiral SU(4) × SU(4), we predict the existence of a component transforming as the 15 representation of SU(4) in the nonleptonic Hamiltonian. Therefore, the nonleptonic decays of charmed mesons will provide a definitive test for the model.