Crystal Structure of the Pyridinium Salt of the Polymeric Tris(thiocyanato)dicuprate(I) Anion

The title compound, [C5H6N]+ [Cu2(SCN)3]-, has been prepared and its crystal structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 295(1) K. Crystals are monoclinic, Cc, a 11.238(7), b 11.644(4), c 10.020(4)Ǻ, β 102.67(3)°, Z 4, the structure being refined to a residual of 0.037 for the 960 'observed' reflections. The structure comprises a three-dimensional network of copper(I) atoms linked by bridging thiocyanate groups, the pyridinium counterions occupying sites in the network cavities. Both copper atoms are four-coordinate, one having an environment of one nitrogen atom [Cu-N, 1.926(9)Ǻ] and three sulfur atoms [Cu-S, 2.319(3), 2.421(3), 2.448(3)Ǻ], while the other is coordinated by two atoms of each type [Cu-N, 1.935(9), 1.947(10); Cu-S, 2.430(3), 2.493(4) Ǻ].