The kinetics of immature murine thymocyte development in vivo

The dynamics of cell generation and turnover in the young adult murine thymus has been studied by in vivo administration of [6-3H]deoxythymldlne, Isolation of thymocyte subpopulations by negative depletion and cell sorting procedures, and assessment of dividing cells and their products by autoradlography. The flow of label through subpopulations of CD4−CD8− thymocytes defined by the markers heat stable antigen (HSA), phagocyte gtycoproteln 1 (Pgp-1), Interleukin 2 receptor (p55) (IL-2R), and CD3 was determined, to check the developmental sequence deduced from Intrathymlc transfer and molecular approaches. In addition, the flow of label ‘downstream’ into the CD4+ CD8+ cortical populations was followed to check if cells expressing CD8 alone were obligatory intermediates. The main findings were: (i) support for the following sequence within the CD4- CD8- group: HSA++ Pgp–1+ IL–2R → HSA++ Pgp–1IL–2R+→HSA++Pgp–1minus;ILα2R; (II) the majority of cell generation and cell turnover within the CD4-CD8- population was due to the HSA+ +IL–2RPgp–1 subpopulatlon; (III) the rate of cell output from the proposed Intermediate CD3-CD4-CD8+ subpopulatlon was equivalent to only 55% of the cell output from its proposed precursor, the most mature CD4CD8 subpopulatlon, suggesting that many double negatives differentiate directly (or via CD3CD4+CD intermediates) into double positives; and (Iv) the CD4CD8HSA (and CD3+) thymlc subpopulatlon contained very few cycling cells and turned over extremely slowly, Indicating that these slowly accumulating product cells are off the mainstream of T cell development.