Study of the Tryptophan Residues of Lysozyme Using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

The identification and complete assignment of the C‐2 and N‐1 proton nuclear magnetic resonances (NMR) of the six tryptophan residues of hen lysozyme are reported. Identification of the resonances required a detailed examination of the spectra of the protein in H2O and in 2H2O, and involved the application of spin‐echo and Carr‐Purcell‐Meiboom‐Gill pulse sequences. Assignment was achieved by observing the effects on the NMR spectra of performing specific chemical modifications, of binding paramagnetic species (lanthanide ions and spin labels), of binding inhibitors and protons and of carrying out solvent exchange experiments. The problems involved in completion of assignment are fully discussed. In the course of performing experiments to make assignments, several interesting aspects of the behaviour of the tryptophan residues in the protein structure were observed and are discussed.