Calculating Viscosities of Reservoir Fluids From Their Compositions

Procedures to calculate the viscosities of in situ reservoir gases and liquids from their composition have been developed and evaluated. Given a composition expressed in methane through heptanes-plus, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide together with the molecular weight and specific gravity of the heptanes-plus fraction, the procedures are capable of calculating the viscosity of the gas or liquid at the desired temperature and pressure. The procedure for reservoir liquids was developed using the residual viscosity concept and the theory of corresponding states, and was evaluated by comparing experimental and calculated results for 260 different reservoir oils ranging from black to highly volatile. The average absolute deviation was 16 per cent. This is the first known procedure for calculating the viscosity of reservoir liquids from their compositions as normally available, i.e., including the heptanes-plus fraction. The procedure for reservoir gases uses a sequence of previously published correlations. Evaluation of the procedure was accomplished by comparison of 300 calculated and experimental viscosities for high-pressure gas mixtures in the literature. The average absolute deviation was 4 per cent. The calculations are useful for (1) determining viscosities in compositional material balance computations and (2) predicting the viscosity decrease which occurs when gases, LPG, or carbon dioxide dissolve in reservoir oils. INTRODUCTION Methods to predict viscosities of reservoir fluids from the normally available field-measured variables have been presented. Beal,1 Standing,2 and Chew and Connally3 correlated oil viscosities with temperature, pressure, oil gravity and gas-oil ratio. Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows4 and Katz et al.5 have presented correlations for reservoir gas viscosities as a function of temperature, pressure and gas gravity. Like all intensive physical properties, viscosity is completely described by the following function: where xi=1. Eq. 1 simply states that viscosity is a function of pressure, temperature and composition. These previous correlations1-5 may be viewed as modifications of Eq. 1, wherein one assumes more simple functions may be used. The assumptions are practical, because the composition is frequently not known. Further, the assumptions are sufficiently valid so that these correlations are frequently used for reservoir engineering computations. In compositional material balance6-9 computations, the compositions of the reservoir gases and oils are known. The calculation of the viscosities of these fluids using this composition information is required for a true and complete compositional material balance. For reservoir gases, Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows4 have presented a suitable compositional correlation. For reservoir oils, no correlation is available, and data from reservoir fluid analyses have been used7-9 for compositional material balance calculations.* From a theoretical point of view, this is entirely invalid. The reservoir fluid analysis, whether flash, differential, or other process, does not duplicate the compositions which occur during the actual reservoir depletion process, therefore the viscosities measured during reservoir fluid analysis are not those which occur in the reservoir. From a practical point of view, the "error" of using viscosities from reservoir fluid analysis is of varying and unknown significance. One can say qualitatively that the error is greatest where compositional effects are greatest, i.e., for volatile oil and gas condensate reservoirs and pressure maintenance operations. The first requirement to obtain a quantitative estimate of the significance of the error is to develop a reliable compositional correlation for the viscosities of reservoir oils. No such correlation has been available. Consistent with this requirement, the objective of this study was to develop a procedure to predict the viscosity of reservoir fluids from their compositions. Normally, the compositions of reservoir fluids are available expressed as mole fractions of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and the hydrocarbons methane through the heptane-plus fraction, with the average molecular weight and specific gravity of the latter. The final correlation was to use the composition in this form. While the more challenging objective of the study was the development of a correlation for the viscosities of reservoir oils, the viscosities of reservoir gases were also studied.