Partial Pressure of Se2 and Optical Density of Selenium Vapor in the Visible and Ultraviolet

The optical density of selenium vapor Dλ has been measured between 1900 Å and 2.0 μ at T0=860°, 700°, 500°, 400°, and 330°C and for total pressures (determined by the temperature of a liquid selenium appendage) between 7×10−5 and 1.0 atm. Previously observed vibronic bands of Se2 are seen and have a maximum value of Dλ near 3405 Å. Between 1900 and 2700 Å, Dλ is not linearly dependent upon the partial pressure of Se2, p2. The densities in this range bear a constant ratio to one another for fixed T0 over as many as two orders of magnitude in D2100 and appear to be due to a single species, Sen, n>2. Assuming D3405 is the sum of partial densities due to Se2 and Sen, each of which obeys Beers law, and that D2100 is proportional to pn then p2=r(D3405kD2100)/L, where L is the optical path length. The value of k, which is the ratio D3405/D2100 for pure Sen, is chosen to be 0.18 so that log D2100 varies linearly with log(D3405−0.18D2100). The Beers‐law constant r is obtained from measurements at sufficiently low total pressures that the vapor is all Se2 in the optical cell and from published total‐vapor‐pressure measurements. The values of p2 obtained agree to within 8% or better with those calculated from the Se2–Se4–Se6–Se8 equilibrium constants of Illarionov and Lapina and are significantly lower than those calculated from the standard tabulation of Stull and Sinke. For λ≥5000 Å, Dλ varies as the square of p2 and appears to be due to pressure broadening of the Se2 transition. The number of atoms in Sen is 4 at T0=860°C and 5 at lower temperatures. The latter number is interpreted as an average arising from the near equality of the partial pressures of Se4 and Se6 over the range of our measurements of D2100.