Kempner''s report that N balance is achieved on a rice, fruit and fruit juice diet with a N intake estimated to be 3.2 g./day is not in accord with other data on minimal N requirements. In Kempner''s studies no analyses of food or fecal N were reported. N balance studies were carried out on 6 normotensive subjects who adhered strictly to the Kempner rice regime for 8 days following a 4-day period on a N-depletion diet. One patient with severe hypertension was studied for a 90-day period on the rice regime alone. The actural N content of the rice regime, detd. by macro-Kjeldahl analysis, was 2.63 g. rather than Kempner''s estimated 3.2 g. On the 8th day of the rice diet the avg. total N excretion (urinary plus fecal) was 5.85 g. in the normotensive subjects, giving a negative N balance of 3.22 g./ day. The curve of urinary N excretion indicated that basal values had been closely approximated. On the 90th day the hypertensive patient had a total N excretion of 5.3 g./ day with a negative balance of 2.67 g. / day.