Neutron-quasielastic-scattering study of hydrogen diffusion in a single crystal of tantalum

The diffusion of hydrogen in a single crystal of bcc tantalum (TaH0.02) at 584 K has been investigated by neutron-quasielastic scattering at a variety of crystal orientations, and over a range of wave-vector transfer |Q|, from 0.8 to 2.5 Å1. A detailed analysis of the observed quasielastic line shapes and widths shows that the results cannot be fitted by any simple jump-diffusion model involving instantaneous jumps between octahedral and tetrahedral interstitial sites. The quasielastic width curves (full width at half-maximum versus Q) are much more isotropic than those predicted by any of the hydrogen-jump models, although the general shape of the widths at large Q is closer to that predicted by a tetrahedral-site model. These results are in distinct contrast to a recent neutron study of hydrogen diffusion in single-crystal (fcc) palladium, where the details of the quasielastic scattering were fitted well by a model assuming instantaneous jumps between octahedral sites. The TaH0.02 quasielastic peaks suggest a diffusion "relaxation time" between 1 and 2 ps at 584 K. Analysis of the data also provides an average "mean-square hydrogen vibration amplitude" of 0.040 Å2. The present single-crystal results are in reasonable agreement with the results of a previous neutron study of polycrystalline (α-phase) TaHx. In addition, a value for the macroscopic diffusion constant at 584 K of 2.8 × 105 cm2 s1 is derived from the low-Q results, which is in excellent agreement with the value predicted from Gorsky-effect measurements.