Mental Retardation and Multiple Congenital Anomalies

Introduction AN EXTRA small metacentric chromosome associated with multiple congenital anomalies has been described by Frøland et al1 and Gustavson and coworkers.2 This report concerns a similar type of chromosomal abnormality found in a mentally retarded male infant with multiple congenital malformations. Report of a Case A 16-month-old male infant (MGH No. 119 65 15) was admitted for evaluation of developmental retardation. Pregnancy was normal, but labor was induced two weeks before the expected date of delivery. Delivery was without complications and the birth weight was 6 lb, 10 oz (3,006 gm). Three hours after birth, tachypnea, an expiratory grunt, and cyanosis of lips and extremities were noted. X-ray films of the chest were normal, and the patient improved during the next two days. Development was generally slow. He first held his head well at 11 months and sat alone at 15 months; at 16 months he