The release of chlorhexidine from modified dental acrylic resin

A method for the incorporation of chlorhexidine into acrylic resin using monomer together with the pattern of release of chlorhexidine from treated resin into water at 37 degrees C is described. Release from polished and unpolished resin, and from acrylic prepared by short-curing and dry-curing processes are investigated. The pattern of release in all cases was of an exponential nature, showing a rapid release within the first 10 days becoming almost constant at a level of 0.4-1.5 micrograms cm-2 at about 20 days. Release was still evident at the end of the test period in all cases. Release of chlorhexidine into water from the short-cure specimens was accompanied by release of monomer, evident from the odour of the test solutions, indicating that polymerization was not complete.