Sur le granite de Mont-Louis (Pyrenees-Orientales)

The granite of the Mont-Louis massif in the French Pyrenees is a supercrustal rock without deep roots, located between augen gneisses occupying the center of the eastern part of the massif and the Paleozoic cover. Its upper part is homogeneous; the lower part, heterogeneous and diffuse, has granitized the augen gneiss. The two phases of the petrochemical evolution of the granite involved the introduction of Si and Na and loss of Fe, Mg, Ti, and K followed by microclinization. In structure and petrochemical evolution, the Mont-Louis massif is analogous to the Querigut granite. This type of superficial granitization is related to intense granitization taking place at depth; both are lumped under the term "regional granitization". The superficial granitization produces relatively homogeneous bodies, whereas at depth formation of more varied granites closely associated with migmatites takes place.