High-Frequency Damping in a Degenerate Electron Gas

A closed form has been derived for the dissipative part of the complex frequency- and wave-number-dependent dielectric constant of a degenerate electron gas, ε(k,ω), valid in the limit ωE0, k<k0, where E0 is the Fermi energy and k0 the Fermi wave number. For ω>2E0 this expression gives values of Imε(k,ω) which are in excellent agreement with the results of more detailed calculations in which the difficult integrals over phase space were performed by a Monte Carlo method. The formula also appears to give good numerical estimates of Imε(k,ω) for smaller values of ω (but ω>kk0m), though its accuracy is not assured in that region. For example, in aluminum at the plasmon frequency, the asymptotic form agrees with the calculations of DuBois and Kivelson. The high-frequency formula derived may, therefore, be used to circumvent difficult numerical work in estimating the importance of electron correlation effects at high frequencies.