
Data from two π+proton experiments, at 2.75 and 3.0 GeV/c, have been compared and combined. Some 3400 events of the final-state ππ+ neutron and 2000 of ππ0 proton were found. These events are dominated by the ρ resonance. The decay angular distribution of the ρ agrees surprisingly well with the one-pion-exchange theory modified for absorption effects, as calculated by Gottfried and Jackson. The ρ-production angular distributions exhibit a difference between ρ and ρ0 at Δ2 values (4-momentum transfer to nucleon, squared) of 20 to 40 Mπ2·ρ0 production shows a weak backward peak. The ρ0 mass region shows effects interpretable as due to the 720-MeV T=0 s-wave ππ resonance, and to ω0π+π decay. Analysis of the data in terms of ππ scattering is discussed. A simple phase-shift analysis using "physical-region" single-pion-production data directly, without extrapolation to the one-pion pole, will not in general be valid for Δ2 greater than 2 or 3 Mπ2; insufficient information exists to determine whether data of lower Δ2 values can be meaningfully used without extrapolation. S-wave ππ scattering in the mass region below the ρ is discussed. The ABC and σ effects do not show up in these data.