Absolute Cross Sections for Excitation of Nitrogen by Protons of a Few kev Energy

Cross sections for excitation by proton impact are necessary for quantitative interpretation of auroral spectra. These have been measured for excitation resulting when protons of a few kev energy shoot into low-pressure nitrogen. Interference filters select various spectral features and a photomultiplier detects the light emitted. The light-detection apparatus is calibrated against a standard tungsten filament lamp. The measured cross sections are not for the excitation of a given molecular level, but for a process resulting in the emission of one photon in a given transition. Cross sections measured include: the 0,0 first negative band of N2+, λ3912; the 2,0 Meinel band of N2+, λ7850; a group of N i lines around λ8216; the Balmer line Hβ; and the (4,2) and (3,1) first positive bands of N2, excited by impact of fast atoms. Results are presented graphically, covering the range 1.5 to 4.5 kev. Also included are measurements of the total charge-exchange cross section for protons in nitrogen and an estimate of the ionization cross section.