Short‐course Etoposide, Bleomycin and Cisplatin in the Treatment of Metastatic Germ Cell Tumours. Appraisal of its Potential as Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage 1 Testis Tumours

Prompted by recent reports of the increasing incidence of late relapses in Stage 1 patients with both malignant teratoma and seminoma on surveillance, a low toxicity regimen combining etoposide, bleomycin and cisplatin [EBCi(3)] with prolonged infusion of bleomycin, given daily for 3 days, has been developed for possible use as adjuvant treatment. Forty of 44 patients treated remain free of disease with a median follow-up of 21 months and actuarial disease free survival at 2 years of 91%. There have been no respiratory problems attributable to bleomycin lung toxicity in this study compared with four (3 associated with patient deaths) seen in 91 previously treated patients. The relatively low toxicity and high efficacy of this regime indicate that it may be suitable as adjuvant treatment.