Comparative Electropherograms of the Family Catostomidae

The muscle myogens of Catostomus catostomus exhibit polymorphism. Specimens from Great Slave Lake and Babine Lake were homozygous to pattern type A, whereas those from Lake Superior possessed patterns homozygous to A and B as well as the heterozygote AB. Those of C. commersoni, Moxostoma macrolepidotum, M. anisurum, and M. erythrurum were relatively uniform, showing only odd variants. The two specimens of Ictiobus bubalus examined displayed different patterns. Blood hemoglobin patterns of M. macrolepidotum existed in five, M. anisurum in two, and C. commersoni in three polymorphic forms. The number of specimens of I. bubalus, M. melanops, and Carpiodes cyprinus examined was insufficient to assess the existence of polymorphism. Muscle myogen electropherograms of the eight species investigated reflect overall family resemblances, distinctive generic groupings as well as phylogenetic relationships which compare favorably with those in existence. Intergradations might occur upon a more extensive coverage of this family and which might somewhat obscure this overall picture are discussed.