The modified protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique was applied to the localization of amylase in rat pancreatic acinar cells. Due to the good ultrastructural preservation of the cellular organelles obtained on glutaraldehyde-fixed, osmium tetroxide-postfixed tissue, the labelling was detected with high resolution over the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), the Golgi apparatus, the condensing vacuoles, the immature ‘pre-zymogen’ granules, and the mature zymogen granules. Over the Golgi area, the labelling was present over the transitional elements of the endoplasmic reticulum, some of the smooth vesicular structures at thecis- andtrans-faces and all the different Golgi cisternae. The acid phosphatase-positive rigidtrans-cisternae as well as the coated vesicles were either negative or weakly labelled. Quantitative evaluations of the degree of labelling demonstrated an increasing intensity which progresses from the RER, through the Golgi, to the zymogen granules and have identified the sites where protein concentration occurs. The results obtained have thus demonstrated that amylase is processed through the conventional RER-Golgi-granule secretory pathway in the pancreatic acinar cells. In addition a concomitance has been found between some sites where protein concentration occurs: thetrans-most Golgi cisternae, the condensing vacuoles, the pre- and the mature zymogen granules, and the presence of actin at the level of the limiting membranes of these same organelles as reported previously (Bendayan, 1983). This suggests that beside their possible role in transport and release of secretory products, contractile proteins may also be involved in the process of protein concentration.