A functional comparison of the cortical collecting tubule and the distal convoluted tubule.

Electrical and permeability features of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and the cortical collecting tubule (CCT) were examined using the technique in which isolated segments of rabbit tubules were perfused in vitro. When rabbits were given a regular diet and tubules were perfused and bathed in artificial solutions simulating plasma ultrafiltrate, the potential difference (PD) was +3.7 plus or minus 1.9 mV in the CCT and -40.4 plus or minus 2.8 mV in the DCT. When rabbits were given a low sodium, high potassium diet plus i.m. deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) (1 mg/kg per day), the PD in both the CCT (-30.8 plus or minus 3.9 mV) and the DCT (-33.8 plus or minus 5.5 mV) was negative. The PD in the CCT was quantitatively similar to that of diet plus DOCA when animals were given DOCA alone. The PD in both segments was inhibited by ouabain (10-minus 5 M) in the bath or by amiloride (10-minus 5 M) in the perfusate. Addition of vasopressin (200 muU/ml) to the bath caused a gradual decline of PD to zero in the CCT but failed to produce a potential response in the DCT. Osmotic water permeability was essentially zero in both segments in the absence of vasopressin. After addition of the vasopressin to the bath, osmotic water permeability in the DCT remained zero but increased to 71.9 plus or minus 25.5 X 10-minus 7 cm/s per atm in the CCT. We conclude that both segments are similar in that each possesses an electrogenic transport process but that these segments differ in that: (a) the CCT requires either exogenous or endogenous mineralocorticoid to maintain a maximal negative PD, whereas the PD in the DCT appears to be independent of mineralocorticoid effect; and (b) the CCT responds to vasopressin with a marked rise in water permeability, whereas the DCT is impermeable to water before and after addition of vasopressin.