Using the prostate weight increase of hypophysectomized immature recipients as a method of luteinizing hormone-assay (ICSH),the ICSH content of the hypophysis of the gonadectomized adult female rat was found to be 5 times as high as that of the intact female. In males the increase was somewhat smaller. This sex difference may be due to a higher ICSH-content of the hypophysis of the intact male as compared to that of the intact female, whereas after gonadectomy approx. equal values are reached. If recipients received equal amts. of ICSH, then the testis weight could be used as an assay method for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Thus, it was found that the increase in the FSH-content of the female hypophysis following gonadectomy is larger than the increase of ICSH-content, whereas in males this is not the case. The FSH-content of the hypophysis of the intact male appears to be much higher than that of the intact female.