Nickel bombarded with 6.3-Mev protons shows activities of half-lives of 10.5±0.6 min., 3.4±0.3 hr., and 12.8±0.8 hr., corresponding to known periods of Cu62, Cu61 and Cu64, respectively. The reactions are principally of the pn type but there is evidence that in the case of Cu62 proton capture occurs at energies below the pn threshold. The maximum β-ray energies obtained by absorption method are 2.8, 1.2 and 0.68 Mev for Cu62, Cu61 and Cu64, respectively. Thick target excitation curves are given. Copper bombarded with 6.3-Mev protons shows two activities of half-lives 38.3±0.5 min. and 235±20 days due to Zn63 and Zn65, respectively. Both must be formed by pn reactions. The Zn63 positrons have a maximum energy of 2.3±0.15 Mev. Thick target excitation curve shows a threshold proton energy of 4.1±0.1 Mev in good agreement with the energy relations. Average (thick target) cross section for the Cu63(pn)Zn63 reaction is 0.28×1025 cm2. For protons of energy 6.1 Mev it is 0.95×1025 cm.