The principal purpose of the present paper is to add a few new facts to our knowledge of the Precarboniferous flora of Eastern America. Since the publication, in the Journal of this Society, of my paper, “Further Observations on the Devonian Plants of Maine, Gaspé, and New York” (1863), and that on “Fossil Ferns of the Devonian” (1871), a large addition was made to the knowledge both of the species of plants and of the general character and conditions of Devonian and Upper Silurian vegetation in my “Report on the Devonian and Upper Silurian Plants of Canada”. In a subsequent report on the “Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit”, I endeavoured, by the aid of the American formations, to remove the perplexities that had been caused by the disputes respecting the age of the Kiltorcan beds in Ireland and the so-called “Ursa-stage” of Bear Island, difficulties which, however, still appear to constitute subjects of discussion.